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NoteBurner YouTube Video Downloader FAQs

NoteBurner YouTube Video Downloader is currently available to all Windows users who own a Windows computer with access to network or WIFI.

This program is totally free for everyone. No bundled app and extra fee.

Of course, apart from downloading YouTube videos, NoteBurner YouTube Video Downloader also can give a hand if you need to get some songs or playlists from YouTube. After adding videos, the program will automatically recognize and list all audio tracks of the videos, so simply select the audio track you need and click the Download icon, you'll get your songs soon.

The video format of the output file relies on that of the original video on YouTube. It would be MP4 or MKV format in most cases. Likewise, you will get AAC(.m4a) audio.

If you meet any problems or difficulties using NoteBurner YouTube Video Downloader, please feel free to contact our Technical Support team via email: [email protected].

Please copy and paste the video link from YouTube to search for videos. The latest version of NoteBurner YouTube Video Downloader doesn't support keywords or name searching now.

There are two solutions: 1. Open the Setting window and choose High Video Quality manually. Then restart the program. 2. Uninstall and reinstall the program. When uninstalling, remember to remove the program configuration.

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