If you are a fan of nostalgic style, supernatural creatures, or superpower elements, you cannot miss the hit drama Stranger Things on Netflix. A fan has concluded Stanger Things: “It feels like Spielberg took the X-man to Silent Hill to fight aliens! Cool!”
Stranger Things is a sci-fi thriller American drama produced by Netflix. Since its launch, Stranger Things has become one of the hottest TV shows. It has a favorable rating of 94% on Rotten Tomatoes, an authoritative American rating site, with an average score of 8.2. Metacritic, a rating site with a more serious taste, gave it a score of 75, and IMDb, which is more of a drama fanatic, gave it a high score of 9.1.
Stranger Things has four seasons and every season has about 8 episodes. The four seasons are all ended now and each season has gained huge success. So, why is Stranger Things so popular? We will then introduce the four seasons for you.
Stranger Things is a group portrait drama and the protagonists are people from three different age groups: Eleven, Max, Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas from the children group, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Jonathan from the teenager group, and Joyce and Hopper from the middle-aged group. The three groups often act separately but eventually they would get together to fight the enemy. Each character has its own shining point, and each friendship is sincere and reliable. It can be said that Stanger Things began because of a never give up friendship.
Stranger Things is a group portrait drama and the protagonists are people from three different age groups: Eleven, Max, Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas from the children group, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Jonathan from the teenager group, and Joyce and Hopper from the middle-aged group. The three groups often act separately but eventually they would get together to fight the enemy. Each character has its own shining point, and each friendship is sincere and reliable. It can be said that Stanger Things began because of a never give up friendship.
Spoiler alert! If you haven’t watched an episode of Stranger Things nor dislike being told the plots, please skip this part.
Season 1 begins with the missing of Will Byers. Young Will Byers is cycling home from a disappointing "Dungeons & Dragons" campaign at a friend's house when a terrifying figure suddenly appears... Will tries to escape and hide, but he is abducted...Will's friends Dustin, Lucas, and Mike begin investigating his disappearance; while looking for Will in the local forest, the boys find a girl with a shaved head in a hospital gown. They learn her name is Eleven and that she has psychokinetic abilities.
Will's mother Joyce becomes transfixed by supernatural events affecting the house electricity - she's convinced Will is communicating with her. Meanwhile, police chief Jim Hopper grows suspicious of the nearby national laboratory after he finds a torn piece of hospital gown outside the lab grounds. Mike's older sister Nancy attends a pool party hosted by her new boyfriend Steve, begrudgingly accompanied by her best friend Barb. Jonathan, Will's brother, witnesses the events of the party, taking photos. While alone, Barb is abducted by the Monster.
After pulling together all their knowledge and speculation on the supernatural events, the boys search for a hypothetical Gate to the other world, which they've now nicknamed the Upside Down. A fight breaks out, resulting in Lucas being injured by Eleven and the group splitting up. Eleven discovers Barb to be dead and Will alive, hiding in Castle Byers, his makeshift fort. Hopper and Joyce break into Hawkins Laboratory to pass through the Gate and save Will but are apprehended by security. Nancy and Jonathan resolve to kill the monster. In the Upside Down, the monster breaks through Castle Byers, taking Will.
Hopper and Joyce enter the Upside Down and found Will there. Will is eventually found and revived, and the three return through the Gate. Meanwhile, at the school, Eleven dissolves the creature into a thick mist in which she too vanishes.
In Season 2, the story starts with a new character 008, Kali, who escaped from the police by creating a hallucination. Back in Hawkins, Will experiences an "episode", where he finds himself in the Upside Down version of the arcade. In the episode, he sees a large "shadow monster". Mike has been trying to contact Eleven for 352 days in a row after her disappearance, though unsuccessful. Later, Hopper goes to a cabin in the woods, where it is revealed he lives there with Eleven, who is alive.
Dustin finds a small, strange, slug-like creature, which he determines is a pollywog. Dustin brings the pollywog to school, which he has now named D'Artagnan. Will describes his episodes, and the boys conclude Dart is from the Upside Down. Dart escapes from the AV room, and Will finds Dart, but this triggers another episode, where he comes face to face with the shadow monster. Will awakens from the episode, but he begins acting strangely and begins drawing scribbles on multiple pages.
Hopper finds a tunnel in the Upside Down. He becomes trapped and passes out. Eleven finds there was another girl at the lab like her. Joyce, Bob, Will, and Mike are able to rescue Hopper, but lab personnel arrive and blaze the tunnels with flamethrowers. When the fire is set, Will collapses in agony. They realize that the monster has been manipulating Will. Meanwhile, Eleven goes to Chicago in search of the girl in Terry's memories, who is revealed to be the psychic girl from the events in Pittsburgh, a woman named Kali. Eleven has a vision of Mike and Hopper in grave danger at the lab and leaves to return to Hawkins.
Hopper and Eleven go to the lab to close the Gate. Meanwhile, Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy are finally able to purge the virus from Will after Nancy prods him with a hot iron.
In Season 3, the Soviet Union unsuccessfully attempted to create a Gate to the Upside Down in 1984. Soviet general Stepanov gives one of the scientists a year to complete the objective.
One year later in Hawkins, Mike and Eleven are in an intimate relationship, something which Hopper is struggling to accept. The new Starcourt Mall has become the focal point of the town and the Party. Rats are shown to be gathering at abandoned steel works, where they all begin to explode into pieces. Joyce finds the magnets on her fridge are shown to no longer function. While cleaning up, Nancy receives a call from an elderly woman named Doris Driscoll concerning a story about infected rats.
Billy experiences a vision in the Upside Down in which a group of clones of himself cryptically order him to build an army. Scott gives a theoretical reason for why Joyce’s magnets have stopped working, which involves an extremely expensive and high-powered machine that could be running nearby. Billy recognizes El as being the girl that shut the Gate the year previously through the Mind Flayer’s memories. Right at that moment, Will begins to sense the Mind Flayer’s presence again, which leads him to believe that the Mind Flayer has returned.
Eleven tries to reach Billy and she succeeds in accessing his memories, where she witnesses his child self sharing a moment with his mother. Billy enters the cabin, claiming that he knows where Eleven is, and that everything he and the rest of the Flayed have been doing has been for her. He claims that he is going to end her, her friends, and then everyone. Eleven leaves the Void in shock and despair. The Flayed gather at the steelworks, where they all melt into goo to become one massive spider-like monster.
In order to avoid spoilers for those who haven’t watched Season 4, here we will briefly give a little insight into what is going on in Season 4. It's been eight months since The Battle of Starcourt, which brought terror and destruction to Hawkins. Struggling with the aftermath, the group of friends is separated for the first time - and navigating the complexities of high school hasn't made things easier. In this most vulnerable time, a new and horrifying supernatural threat surfaces, presenting a gruesome mystery, that if solved, might finally put an end to the horrors of the Upside Down.
If you are trying to download Stanger Things season 1-4 and watch them offline on any device or back up the titles, here we can introduce you a powerful video downloader called NoteBurner Netflix Video Downloader.
NoteBurner Netflix Video Downloader is an easy-to-use application that allows you to download all Netflix TV series and movies to watch offline. After being downloaded in MP4 or MKV format, the video is not restricted and can be transferred to your iPhone or any other device. Additionally, the program supports downloading video in HD quality (up to 1080P) and keeps multi-language subtitles and audio tracks. And NoteBurner Netflix Video Downloader comes with an easy-to-navigate interface that helps you quickly find the content you’re looking for.
To keep your videos safe, it’s always important to have a plan for data recovery. If you ever accidentally lose or corrupt your files, a tool like Syncios D-Savior can help you recover them efficiently, ensuring you don’t lose your favorite content.
For your reference, here are list step-by-step guidelines for downloading Netflix movies and TV shows via NoteBurner Netflix Video Downloader. You can install the program on Windows and Mac computers.
Double-click the NoteBurner icon on your desktop to run it. You will need to register the programme to unlock the full download functionality.
To smooth access to your account, tap on the "Sign In" button. Please provide the necessary account information as requested to proceed with the following instructions.
Netflix Video Downloader supports downloading HD Netflix video. And it also provides the setting options for you, and you can select the video quality ranging from Low (240P) to High (720P/1080P) in the setting window. Simply click on the Setting button to customize the output settings as your need.
To search for Stranger Things, simply click on the Search icon, similar to how you would do on the Netflix website. Just type Stranger Things, and the play would have been retrieved very quickly.
Locate Stranger Things and click its thumbnail, and the download indicator will change to green once you are on the detailed page or watching the video.
Before downloading, Netflix Video Downloader allows you to choose your desired audio track and subtitle.
Simply click , then a pop-up subsequently appear, granting you the ability to pick titles and seasons, while also enabling audio track and subtitle customization through the Advanced Download window. If you try to download a movie, please click the
icon to open the window.
After completing the above steps, now simply tap on the Download icon to initiate downloading Stranger Things to the output folder you've chosen in the previous step. Once the conversion is done, you could find the downloaded Netflix video by clicking the "Library" button or just opening the output folder.
Stanger Things Season 1 to 4 are forever saved now. You can then play Stanger Things on any device you like at any time. It must be a great joy to watch them without limitations. Install NoteBurner Netflix Video Downloader and try it yourself!